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Elmdon operates structured sessions incorporating the 3 prime and 4 specific areas of learning as described in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).



Prime areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development.

Specific areas: Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design.


The following ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ included in the EYFS underpin our approach to all aspects of early education:

Playing and exploring

Active learning

Creating and thinking critically

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We ensure that literacy and numeracy activities are planned so as to be accessible to a range of abilities and learning styles as firm foundations in these areas are so vital to the children’s future education (and life!). However, there is a particular focus on Personal, Social and Emotional development at Elmdon. We feel that a child’s ability to relate to and interact with others coupled with a firm sense of self-worth is fundamental to becoming an active and enthusiastic learner.

Our afternoon sessions, available to children aged 3+, incorporate the following: Drama Club, Nature/Science Club, Cookery Club and Dance Club.

“The quality of planning and teaching is excellent…..Staff help children to become confident and resourceful learners who make outstanding progress in relation to their starting points” OFSTED inspection report April 2016

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